Do you know that we all have healing powers? You may think yes, but probably only to a certain degree. I completely agree, although we absolutely can protect ourself and even heal ourself from so many of the health problems that we call dis-ease.
Especially now, we are live in a very weird time for many of us. What’s going on affects everyone differently, and many people are suffering from anxiety and from other consequences related to it.
Actually, anxiety is only an emotion, but when you feel attached or focused to your emotions then that becomes a problem. I am not saying it’s easy to not to focus your emotions. But did you realize that when you are stressed, angry, sad or anxious, your breathing pattern actually changes? In these states we tend to breathe shallowly, and we lose the balance between inhaling and exhaling. You probably heard the advice that anyone suffering an anxiety attack, or anyone getting angry, should just “breathe and relax”. When we are stressed our heart rate increases and we start to breathe faster, which in turn can increase blood pressure. All we need to do is just breathe deeply and relax…
We often forget the importance of breathing. It is the most fundamental thing in our life, without breathing we can not be alive.
So many people ask how to meditate, how to create awareness, and what is mindful eating or mindful living? What is the best way to do it? Actually we all know how, we just want to know the easiest way.
The simplest way is just to breathe — deeply, slowly, and regularly.
Breathing exercises have many benefits, including lowering cortisol, improving sleep, improving digestion, helping detoxification, reducing hunger, relaxing your mind, improving your posture, reducing inflammation, reducing anxiety, improving immune function, improving circulation, stimulating lymphatic system, they’re a natural pain killer, and they improve our mood.
Have you ever noticed that when you are relaxed, for example listening to classical music or connecting with nature, your breathing pattern changes? Just try and see how much effect it has on your body, what changes, and how you feel. Most likely your heart will be full of happiness and gratitude.
We do have the power to heal ourselves, improve our life quality, live without stress and resistance, and be happy most of the time. The best time to start is in the morning and just before going to sleep — just take a deep breath and exhale slowly, watching the balance between inhaling and exhaling. This might take just five minutes each day, but I am certain that you will see huge benefits in your life, and each time you practice it will become more effective.
Breathing exercises can help you completely relax. Your body will find homeostasis, which includes balancing your whole nervous system, and your body will feel like it does when you are already relaxed.
There are so many different techniques for breathing exercises, such as counting the number of deep breaths, and holding your breath for certain lengths of time. However, I found the simplest way is always the best. I personally do two ways. I put a timer for how much time I want to do, and just focus on the pace of my breathing, how I feel and what I can smell, and I just try to be aware. I also sometimes count my breathing, especially if I am practicing just before sleep. I inhale and exhale one time, then again to the count of two, all the way until ten. If my mind wanders and I forget the number I just start again. Without realizing, I go into a deep sleep. Especially if you have any sleep issues this can be very beneficial. Just breathe, and relax…
Inhale Peace, Exhale Love.
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